We’re a little over three weeks away from the premier of The Challenge Invasion, and MTV has been dropping picture teasers, but still no trailer. One post that caught my eye was on Tony’s Instagram of the underdog cast at the first challenge.

As you can see Sylvia, Tony’s Real World Skeletons roommate, is blurred out in the post.  This was obviously intentionally done and if you read Sylvia’s cast bio you might infer why.

The wedding planner and Real World: Skeletons export is fighting for cash to open her own event space, but she’ll be caught between old friends and new allies on Invasion. Equal parts sweet and abrasive, Sylvia might still prove to have the same short fuse that got her in trouble in Chicago. 

Looks like the rookie gets stuck choosing between a friend (former roommate?) or someone she meets on this season. If you check out the comments you can see that Nicole, who was also on RW: Skeletons commented, “This picture looks perfect now”. Tony and seems pretty salty and Nicole is backing him, so it looks like this trio’s friendship might be coming to an end.

 “All is fair in love, war, and Challenges” – Johnny Bananas